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Hello Friends.

Is a Great Pleasure to have you here in my Blog.

I'm here to share with you all my Experience that I have until today in My Life in this Journey of Faith , and I will place here many messages that I believe will help many friends...

Always will be here a word of Faith to give you strength for you to keep on going.

May the Lord our God Bless You .

21 Jan 2011

To be Called

Soon after Saul took over his post at the
kingdom of Israel, he disappointed God ’s
calling. God had no choice but to start
looking for a replacement immediately.
And this time, He ’d choose someone who
was more like Him. That’s when He
spotted this young man in the hills.
David was a shepherd
and a very good one.
He tended his father ’s
sheep every single day.
When lions and bears
came for the sheep,
he ’d chase them and
kill them. It’s not that
David was tall and strong; on the
contrary, he was the least in his father’s
house. David was not even chosen to go
war with the rest of his brothers …
Many people would love to be called by
God to do His Work on the Altar. They ’re
anxious and sometimes even indifferent
to everything else happening in their life.
They want to serve God but they don ’t
know why it’s taking so long. How did it
happen for David?
Firstly, God was looking, which is still
happening today. Secondly, David was not
capable in the eyes of most people (even
his father ’s). Which is comforting because
that means that the old saying ‘what’s
important is what’s inside’ is still valid, at
least with God. And thirdly, which is
where many people miss out, David was
good at what he did.
David wasn’t just another idle shepherd
out in the hills, tending to some lazy
sheep, in a boring everyday life. David
loved them enough to give his life for
them. While his brothers couldn ’t care
less about their father’s sheep, David
looked forward to being with them,
protecting them from the predators, and
caring for them as if they were his own. I
believe that this is one of the main
reasons that attracted God ’s eyes towards
David. David had God’s way of doing
It’s in the little things we do and say that
we show who we really are. If you want
to serve God on the Altar and while that
doesn ’t happen you don’t love what you
do — grab a chair and wait. Or better
yet, forget it! How can God trust you to
serve Him in this amazing Work when
you can ’t even serve your human boss?
How can you obey God in everything
when you can ’t even obey your own
parents? How can you respect God when
you can ’t even respect your teachers?
If you want to be called, then be worthy
of God ’s call.
God will only call those whom He
accepts. It ’s not because you want to
serve God that He’ll use you. Or because
the Work of God needs you that you’ll be
With God, it’s either all or nothing. Either
you’re all that you say you are or you’re
not. Either you’re worthy or you’re not.
Either you’re a servant or you’re not.
There isn’t such a place in between these
two extremes.

                                                                 God Bless You

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